Clearly, I haven't been living up to my promise of writing as frequently as I should be. Life's all topsy turvy with ten thousand things going on at the same time. From settling in the new job to planning holidays to house hunting to car hunting - it's all going on simultaneously. After many many months, it's probably the first time that I'm at home on the weekend and suprisingly it feels really good! For me weekend had become synonymous with house hunting but I love the change even if it will last only one weekend.
So, about my new job - all I can say is 'I'm lovin it!'. I have probably not learnt so much in all my jobs put together as much as I have here and I completely love the opportunities and exposure that is provided! Infact just yesterday we went for a walk along the Yarra river with the CEO of our company for Australia & NZ! How often does the CEO of a company come and ask you - 'So, do you have any family here?'It was an exhilirating experience and knowing my company I know there will be many more to come!
The next exciting thing that has been happening is that summers and here and Rak and I have started going for walks in the evening, about 3kms. It is so satisfying to know that you have spent time to do something for yourself and not just that, its a time of the day that we spend with each other, without phones or TV or internet!
Now, the part that was so exciting to begin with but its actually becoming a chore! The house hunting bit. Have been in the process since Feb! I guess this is something for which we have now resigned to fate. I tell Rak in true filmy style - 'When we find the one that is mean to be hours, we'll just know! And then we'll just buy it, like that *snapping fingers*'
So, that was like a quick update! Will try posting more often (not that I know anyone is reading)
5 years ago
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